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Located in the rear sports building of Beith Community Centre is the Community Shop.

Everyone is welcome to come and benefit from a hassle-free shopping experience while saving  money and supporting local.

But it's more than just a shop - enjoy a free cup of tea or coffee in the lounge where you can meet and chat to new people and share issues or concerns.

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How it works

Products are allocated a point value based on the cost to the charity. £5 gets you 21 points to spend in the shop which is the equivalent of actually spending up to £12.60. Up to 10 additional points can be purchased for 50p per point meaning that you could turn your £10 into £18.60 to spend in the shop.

But that's not all!! We're regularly able to offer a variety of products for FREE!!

Follow us on Facebook for updates.

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Opening Times:

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

10am - 1pm

The Community Shop is not for profit. We rely on donations and fundraising to supplement stock. To ensure that everyone has equal access to the service, all we ask is that households limit visits to once per week where possible. Please speak to a member of the team or contact us for more information.

Find us: 

Beith Community Centre, Kings Road, Beith, KA15 2BQ

Call us:

01505 503187

Message us:

© 2024 Beith Community Association​ SCIO

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